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Five tips for getting credit where credit is due

I'm sure you've heard these comments at closing:

“Wow, you sure made a lot of money considering I found the home!"

“I can't believe I am paying you so much when Zillow sold my home!"

We've all heard those comments, but as real estate pros we know our value. Here are five tips to help you demonstrate your value to your customers.

  1. Let them know: Now more than ever you must let your clients know what you're doing for them. If you show a home, let them know exactly when it was shown and what you did. If you run comparisons, let them know how you did it and how long it took. Many steps of the home buying and selling process feel like habit to agents, and we fail to share what we are doing for our clients. How can our clients see value when they don't know what we are doing for them?

  2. Be an expert: It is no longer enough to just “say" you are and expert in your market. You must truly be an expert in all aspects of the process. Learn the school curriculums front and back. Know the economic and business climates of the area you - I mean really know it. Do research, conduct interviews, have contacts. When asked about schools, traffic, and amenities in the area, know your community inside-out.

  3. Be meticulous: Showing up at closing with ten documents that the client should have signed three weeks ago shows incompetence. Be organized-the paperwork is the easy part. Get it done on time and have it ready to go at closing.

  4. Stay connected: Good real estate professionals usually have a lot going on. We're constantly prospecting, finding new clients, showing homes, networking, and always on the move. When a transaction is going well and cruising to close, it is easy to put that task on cruise control. Even if there are no concrete material updates on the transaction, your clients still want to hear from you. Make sure you are contacting your clients at least every other day-if not every day. When they show up at closing and they haven't heard from you in two weeks it is hard for them to see value.

  5. Educate: Let you clients know up front about the search engines and how the modern real estate search is conducted. Let them know it is possible they will find their home online before you have a chance to find it for them. Let them know what you do for them before the process ever gets started. Articulate your value when you start working for them, and as long as you execute they will not question if you were worth it in the end.

Remember, you want your clients to shout you out to the world after they have worked with you to buy or sell their home. If they are happy and know what you did for them, be sure that they will tell their friends, co-workers, and family to call you when they need your services.

Eric Sachs is a co-founder of Send your feedback to

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