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Three questions to ask when choosing a CRM app

“Which CRM should I use?" seems to be the most-asked question in the real estate industry right now. It's a question that has every real estate tech company scrambling to create the next best client relationship management (CRM) for real estate pros.

These companies are creating systems with all the bells and whistles: Graphing, social media plug-ins, lead management, MLS interface … the list goes on and on. As real estate professionals we are always looking for a competitive advantage, purchasing the new shiny technology in hopes it is going to get us more business.


Ask yourself, when was the last time I purchased anything that in and of itself helped me make more money and brought me more clients? The most important piece to any CRM is not the actual technology. It is you.

In order for a CRM to work for you, it must be implemented and adopted into your daily routine. When looking to adopt a CRM ask your self these three questions.

1. What is the implementation process?

If your new CRM requires three webinars and a live orientation call with a customer service representative, it is probably too complicated.

2. What is the contact/data import process?

If you have trouble importing your contacts into the program-or even if it's a complicated process-you set yourself up for failure before you even get started. The most important step to using and implementing a CRM is getting your data imported.

3. Do you need all the bells and whistles?

Will the add ons, apps, and interface just hinder your implementation? Ask yourself why you really need a CRM. Most of us need it to group the people we know, track conversations, and keep in touch. Everything else is a distraction.

I maintain that if implemented and used correctly, a CRM tool can be the single difference between success and failure in your business. Grouping and keeping in touch with everyone you know will drive more leads than any paid service you will find. Make sure you find a solution you will incorporate into your daily habits. Maybe it is not the shiniest … maybe it should be bare bones and insanely simple.

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